Lots on the near horizon! I was invited to play the Suzi Wollenberg Folk DJ showcase at NERFA by Ken Batista... his radio program, An American Sampler, is based out of Pittsburgh, PA. I'm delighted to have been selected with 15 other super talented artist from all over North America by 15 other DJ's. We're all headed to NERFA (North East Regional Folk Alliance) for music and so much more. I've been listening to some of the artists that I'll be sharing this billing with, and I am beyond excited to hear them live and tell them how great their music is. Thanks for the support Ken!

But before thaaaatt...I'm playing a show in two days (Nov. 4) at the Casbah with Sean Rowe (Anti-) and Doug Paisley (No Quarter). This is a songwriter's show for songwriters. Hamilton. Toronto. Niagara. KW. Guelph. Where my peeps at??? Make this your Tuesday night hang. After show fun will be had too...

My most recent newsletter is out here: http://us3.campaign-archive1.com/?u=813bca540717124fb1429581c&id=1265763936&e=[UNIQID]

It has more stuff in it.... like about Muse Fest, and CD releases  (Shawna Caspi and Shawn William Clarke) I'm super honoured to have been asked to perform at.

You can just get it direct to your inbox too.... just sign up on the right. . . but you probably already knew that. . . what is it about the witching hour that draws the writer from their recessed bodies to put finger tip to plastic???

High fives dear reader. Hope you're being kind to yourself. Talk soon.